Sunday, September 23, 2012

Photography Tricks - Macro Magic

If you delve into the incredible world of macro photography, with the aid of a few digital photography tricks, you can take photographs of insects that would blow your mind. A normal housefly may seem just annoying, but up close and personal, you can capture a macro image that reveals every single hair on its body and the millions of tiny dots that make up its eyes. You see an array of magnificent colours that you do not perceive with the naked eye. Once you have truly experienced macro photography, you will never see tiny creatures in quite the same way again.

Macro photography works on ratios from 1:1 (where the image is true to size) up to ten times enlargement (10:1). In most cases, the larger the ratio the more fascinating the final image. To successfully capture macro images will require investment in appropriate equipment - a decent camera and specialised macro lens. I normally use a Canon EOS400D SLR camera and a Nikon D90 f/2.8 macro lens. A vast range of lenses regularly come to market, so it is always a good idea to discuss options with your local stockist first.

Once you have spotted a bug you wish to capture, here are a few digital photography tricks to consider to ensure you don't scare it off before you have had the opportunity to grab your winning shot: -

* Get up early - bugs are still cold then and don't tend to fly off so regularly
* Don't block out the sunlight on the insects
* Keep low - as low or even lower than your subject, if at all possible
* Locate yourself near a popular plant or flower. Bugs may see you as part of the scenery if you are already there
* Smaller bugs tend to take less notice of you than larger ones
* If a bug flies off, don't panic. Give it a little while, and more often than not it will be back.

A flashgun can also be an essential piece of kit - for example, if you are shooting in near-dark forests. This location opens up access to a wide range of interesting insects. You can use the flash in its normal position on top of the camera, but another idea is to use a flash extension cord. In this case, take a friend with you who can hold the flash to the side, or to provide imaginative backlighting. You will find that a flash will also help to enhance the sharpness of your shots.

These are just a few digital photography tricks that will benefit your macro photography. It can be a challenging area, and trial and error is expected. Initially you may find yourself disappointed with results, but once you get the hang of it you will be glad you persevered. It's always a good idea to get some feedback, and a decent online photography course would give you guidance, as well as expert opinion on your work.

Discover how easy it is to take memorable photographs by using a few simple digital photography tricks. Please check out here for further information.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Simple Creative Photography Tricks

A few creative tricks are often what separate average photographers from great ones.
 Here are a  suggestion that can turn your photos from ordinary to extraordinary:

Zoom In.

The great photographer, Robert Capa said, ""If your photographs aren't good enough, you're not close enough. 
 This is a really creative technique for DSLR owners with a zoom lens. 
 This will result in an interesting motion blur radiating out from your focused subject in the center. 
 So many photos appear average because we've seen them shot the same way so many times. 
 Everything appears to be shot from a perspective of about 5 1/2 feet off the ground. 
 The flower shot from normal standing height is not nearly as spectacular as the same flower shot while lying down in the garden looking up at the sky. 
 This creative photography trick will greatly enhance your photos. 
 Grab a ladder or step stool. 
 Get up higher on the stairs. 

People are so bored. 
Using a few creative photography tricks you can really cause them to snap out of it
As you can see, you won't need to go to class or spend years studying photography. 
But here is an interesting e-book that will help you further just click this link